Tag: Recovery

  • Are you a Social Introvert?

    Are you a Social Introvert?

    Figuring out of you’re an introvert or an extrovert is important so you can embrace how you recharge and renew your own personal battery, it’s a way of incorporating the best self care tools for yourself. What often happens is that introverts feel that they have to be more outgoing or should “love to party”…

  • It’s A Brutiful Life

    It’s A Brutiful Life

    This inspirational talk by Glennon Doyle Melton, founder of Momastery and bestselling author of Carry On Warrior, sparked a beautiful conversation this afternoon in my weekly Inner Peace Group. Participants were inspired by her ability to understand the highs and lows of each day and her empowering attitude to show up even though life can…

  • Karma & Soul Lessons

    Karma & Soul Lessons

    Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day?  It’s a movie from the early 90s with Bill Murray, where he finds himself repeating the same day over and over again until he learns his Karmic lesson of empathy and compassion for others. Being Groundhog Day today, it got me thinking about how profound this movie…

  • Joy


    Today I offer an exercise to help you cultivate joy into the new year.  First, find a quiet space to sit and reflect.  Before you even begin answering these questions, spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, bringing awareness to your breath.  Begin to connect with your inner world.  This will prepare the mind…

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    The new year always brings to mind the idea of new beginnings.  In what ways will I start my life fresh and anew this year? We often talk about the practical resolutions- to eat healthier, exercise more, to watch less TV, spend more time doing that hobby that you love…. But what about your spiritual…

  • Meditation for Joyful & Profound Connection

    Meditation for Joyful & Profound Connection

    When we study yoga, we learn that the physical form (asana) of yoga is only one branch of yogic tradition.  Yoga offers us many other ways to connect with the spiritual world. To practice yoga is a pathway to joining your individual soul to a universal soul.  In recovery language it can be seen as…

  • 5 Ways to Stay Calm This Holiday Season

    5 Ways to Stay Calm This Holiday Season

    Happy Holidays! Can you believe that the Winter Holidays are already here?! There’s something about the holiday season that is so beautiful, so filled with joy and songs and family.  Which is amazing and wonderful, but there’s also a whole bunch of messy added stress.  Extra stress from holiday parties, trips to the store, buying…

  • Tree Meditation for Inner Peace

    Tree Meditation for Inner Peace

    Today in my Inner Peace in Recovery Group we talked about the symbol Tree. Tree is the perfect symbol for deeply rooted connection and spiritual expansiveness. Tree is: grounded, connected, growing, unique, capable of finding nourishment from both the ground and the sky, provides shelter for life, withstands wind and forces of nature, leaves dance…

  • Connecting to the Night Sky

    Connecting to the Night Sky

    Yesterday in my Inner Peace in Recovery  group that I offer weekly at the treatment center, we talked about our connection with the night.   In this group of highly sensitive souls,  it’s no surprise that many spoke about the peacefulness and quiet nature of the nighttime. Given the previous week’s conversation about how drug use…

  • The Malibu Bluffs Meditation

    The Malibu Bluffs Meditation

    So happy to share this beautiful space with you! The Malibu Bluffs are a very special place.  When you wind down a side path you find your way to a beautiful view of the ocean.  Looking to the right and the left you can see the coast all the way from the South Bay, Santa…