Tag: Spirituality

  • Creating Intimate Connections

    Creating Intimate Connections

    Many of us long for an intimate connection with others.  Those special connections where you feel like the person understands who you are beyond your exterior self. In the current era of Facebook and text messaging there seems to be a phenomena where we connect with others daily by photos and snippets of our lives,…

  • Cultivating Mindfulness

    Cultivating Mindfulness

    Often when I mention the idea of mindfulness meditation, of consciously sitting with ourselves and observing our own inner world, the usual response I receive is along the lines of: “I like that idea but I can’t do that, I can’t quiet my mind.” It is perfectly normal if when you sit to meditate you…

  • Joy


    Today I offer an exercise to help you cultivate joy into the new year.  First, find a quiet space to sit and reflect.  Before you even begin answering these questions, spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, bringing awareness to your breath.  Begin to connect with your inner world.  This will prepare the mind…

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    The new year always brings to mind the idea of new beginnings.  In what ways will I start my life fresh and anew this year? We often talk about the practical resolutions- to eat healthier, exercise more, to watch less TV, spend more time doing that hobby that you love…. But what about your spiritual…

  • Meditation for Joyful & Profound Connection

    Meditation for Joyful & Profound Connection

    When we study yoga, we learn that the physical form (asana) of yoga is only one branch of yogic tradition.  Yoga offers us many other ways to connect with the spiritual world. To practice yoga is a pathway to joining your individual soul to a universal soul.  In recovery language it can be seen as…

  • Hamsa Mantra Meditation

    Hamsa Mantra Meditation

    A mantra is the embodiment of a vibrational sound of the universe.  Mantra meditation is great if you are an auditory mediator, if you can best focus yourself by listening to music or focusing on a specific set of words or sounds. It’s said that the ancient Vedic sages of India were able to  hear…

  • The Spiritual Path

    The Spiritual Path

    A theme woven into much of my work that I offer is an idea of a spiritual path, a journey of awakening.  For those in Recovery it’s often referred to as surrendering to your higher power. The spiritual path embodies faith, the idea that even though it may not always feel like it, we are…

  • The Silver Space

    The Silver Space

    We are all familiar with the space of uncertainty, where nothing is quite decided, it’s neither black nor white- it’s gray.  This space is often uncomfortable and confusing. Our natural inclination is to make it stop as quickly as possible, make everything solid, fit in a box, make sense again. But what if we are…

  • We Are Nature

    We Are Nature

    Do you ever wonder why we feel connected and at home in nature?  Why some of our favorite memories often take place in the outdoor world? There have been countless moments where you felt peace, excitement, and belonging in a beautiful sunset, or looking out at the ocean watching the sunlight sparkle on her waters,…

  • Slow Down & Unplug

    Slow Down & Unplug

    I recently returned from 4 blissful days in Zion National Park.  Instead of the usual overwhelming hustle and bustle insanity of Los Angeles, I was inundated by the sound of the Virgin River flowing by my tent, smells of campfire and earth, towering red rocks, birds flying overhead, grassy meadows and cottonwood trees, sheer rocky…