Connecting to the Night Sky

Yesterday in my Inner Peace in Recovery  group that I offer weekly at the treatment center, we talked about our connection with the night.   In this group of highly sensitive souls,  it’s no surprise that many spoke about the peacefulness and quiet nature of the nighttime.

Given the previous week’s conversation about how drug use and the party scene often occured in the nighttime hours, usually coupled with the dread the sun coming up in the morning, it’s interesting that instead of focusing on how things were ‘back in the using days,’ the conversation flowed instead towards how we feel connected to the night in the present moment, today, with 6 to 12+ months of Sobriety.

Here’s what we said:

The Nighttime is:
The Waves are Magical at Night
More Connected
Creativity Flows
Coolness of Air is Refreshing
Calm, Quiet
The Way the Moonlight Shimmers on the Ocean

Personally, one of my favorite aspects of the nighttime is the night sky.  I love the special moments where you can see an infinite amount of stars overhead, where you feel both small and profoundly connected in the same moment.

Sometimes those moments are so amazing I don’t even know how to take in the expanse before my eyes.  I could stare up for hours, it’s extraordinary.

In my group we talked about those moments that we’ve experienced where we felt connected to the night sky.  We talked about special moments all over the world where we looked up to the sky and felt filled with connection and peace.

So my question to you:

There was a time, many times, but lets just pick one, when you were outside and you looked up and saw stars overhead, the night sky.  In that moment, you were filled with peaceful excitement, connection, serenity.  

Let’s visit there.

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and connect with that special moment, that space within.

Notice that Peace, Serenity, and Light.  The night sky.

With Love and Light,

I would love to hear about your special night sky moments! Share below!