Why you need to know about Character Strengths

Have you ever heard of a character strength?

We all have our own unique set of strengths that are an innate part of you, they exist at the very center of our being.

These strengths play an important role in our lives.  When when we use our character strengths we often feel energized, refreshed, and satisfied.


Check out Via Me, it’s a FREE online test which tests your own individual character strengths.  It’s rooted in strength based, positive psychology (aka happiness experts) and it’s such a great way to learn more about yourself.

My #1 Via Me character strength is, surprise surprise, love of learning!  I love sharing what I learn with anyone and everyone.  It makes me happy to learn and to share what I learn with those around me.

Here’s what my top character strength says:
Love of learning: You love learning new things, whether in a class or on your own. You have always loved school, reading, and museums-anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity to learn.

That means that indulging myself in a few minutes of learning something new raises my happiness levels.  My current plan of action for love of learning is: Read Non-fiction books, articles, blogs, documentaries, podcasts, go to the library (which I do and LOVE) and explore new cities and places.VIA Character Survey

So I invite you to take the quiz and share with us what your character strengths are and what you are doing to nourish that part of you!




5 responses to “Why you need to know about Character Strengths”

  1. Love this Lindy! Not only does it help me to see my strengths, but it increases my self worth knowing that I am the person I am striving to be. It also brought to my attention things that I would not have ever given thought to. Thank you for sharing this!

    • Thanks Melissa!!! It’s a great tool! 🙂 I would love to know what your top character strength is!

  2. Thank you Lindy! I have taken other strength assessment tools and I found this one to really describe how I feel as a whole rather than specific traits I carry. My top strength is teamwork. 🙂 I appreciate you sharing this tool.

    • Thanks Heather! According to the Via Me site: “Teamwork [citizenship, social responsibility, loyalty]: Working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group; doing one’s share.” I’m sure your character strength is one of the many things that make you such a great Mom!