Interviewing has been a popular topic in my life lately as I transition to life in Portland. New city means looking for a new part time job while I establish myself and my practice. Which all means that there will be interviews.
Regardless if you love or hate interviews, odds are we all have to do them at least once in our lives, and in reality, probably many times. I’ve found that if I have an actionable pre-plan, it makes me much less nervous and more able to be myself, less concerned about being judged, and take the time to be present and learn if the job and company would be a good fit.
3 Ways to Prepare For Your Next Interview
1) Imagined Rehearsal
The mind doesn’t know the difference between real imaginary rehearsal. In fact, I once read an article that people who imagined exercising for 15 minutes a day actually increased muscle mass. Which is pretty incredible, and an amazing testament to the power of the mind.
In embodying your truest, most confident self, imagine the interview scene specifically and ask yourself : What would you ideally think, feel, and do in the situation? Then rehearse it inside your mind. Imagine specifics. What would the space look like, feel like and how will you respond? Practice it over and over in your mind so you’ll be prepared for your interview!
2. Take a few Deep Breaths
When we’re nervous we tend to hold our breaths, which signals the mind that we are in danger, and serves to make us more anxious so we do something, like run away from a bear. Which is good if there is a bear but not so good before your interview. While your sitting waiting for your interview, take a moment to ground, center, and breathe. Check out my article on tips for belly breathing HERE.
3. Position your Body Mindfully
According to social psychologist, Amy Cuddy, our body position affects our mood and confidence. It makes sense to me, if we are in a position that is closed and hunched over it signals our subconscious mind that we are protecting ourselves and therefore in a danger. It’s a natural mechanism that was created to protect us from bears and lions. Probably not so useful for your next interview. Instead, Amy Cuddy recommends sitting in a position that is open, relaxed, and powerful before your next interview.
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are