Tag: Recovery

  • The Spiritual Path

    The Spiritual Path

    A theme woven into much of my work that I offer is an idea of a spiritual path, a journey of awakening.  For those in Recovery it’s often referred to as surrendering to your higher power. The spiritual path embodies faith, the idea that even though it may not always feel like it, we are…

  • Why you need to know about Character Strengths

    Why you need to know about Character Strengths

    Have you ever heard of a character strength? We all have our own unique set of strengths that are an innate part of you, they exist at the very center of our being. These strengths play an important role in our lives.  When when we use our character strengths we often feel energized, refreshed, and…

  • Actionable Steps to Increase Happiness and Joy

    Actionable Steps to Increase Happiness and Joy

    How many times a week are we asked the question- how are you doing, how was your day?  And how do you answer? Have you ever noticed that often times when we’re asked about our days we usually complain about the bad stuff? It seems that it is our cultural norm to talk about the…

  • Get Outside & De-stress

    Get Outside & De-stress

    When was the last time you went barefoot outside? Played in the mud?  Actually touched the soil, dirt, grass, sand, salt water… Think about it.  It’s probably been awhile, possibly years. As adults we often walk outside with shoes, garden with gardening gloves, and lay a blanket down when we’re at the beach. In our…

  • Change Your Life with Small Wins

    Change Your Life with Small Wins

    A friend of mine recently told me that he starts every work day by doing the dishes from the previous day. At first I was like, ugh that sounds like an awful way to start your day… But then he told me that he does the dishes so he feels accomplished at the START of…